Just as the interior of our home is important, similarly the exterior of the home can play an important role in our life. This is the place where you sit to grab fresh air, have barbecue with your friends and family or play with your children. You can sit and perform many vital activities here […]
DIY Bathroom Storage Tips For Small Homes
With increasing population, people are bound to live in confined spaces. They have to undergo many adjustments including compromising with the storage places. Here is one of the ways where you can compile all your important amenities in an organized way managing with your small bathroom needs without being bothered for the space. Bathroom solutions […]
Simple DIY Roofing Tricks for Your Home
Though we may utilize the roof for a very short span of time, but undoubtedly, its usage is significant. It protects us from all seasonal commotions especially during winters and rains. However never meddle with it when it rains or during snowfall. That is not the right time to fix any of your issues. Wait […]
Magnificent DIY Kitchen Designing Tips
Working in a shattered kitchen is very difficult and anyone can lose interest very easily. Ladies spends one third of their life time there to serve their family. Hence it’s very important that they stay happy and don’t lose charisma while cooking gourmet foodie items. This is high time when they require DIY tips and […]
5 Easy Steps to Build Stairs to Attic or Loft
Attic offers you a wonderful opportunity to hide your least but still important usage items in a safe and organized way. This concealed compartment enables you with immense possibilities to explore for the unutilized space. You can even convert that additional room into a fully useful bedroom or an official breathing space. For this you […]
How to Remove Stubborn Stains From Your Carpet
Stains are usually very shabby, messy and damaging. With kids and pets running around the whole day you cannot expect the floor carpet to be spic and span all the time. More than anything else the first thing one must learn is to accept the fact that things cannot stay neat and clean for a […]
Using Self Leveling Compound
Leveling compound is a mixture of cement designed to pour easily over a concrete floor to smooth out any uneven areas in that floor. The leveling compound is also called self-leveling cement or compound. All it is, is very wet mix cement with a consistency much like tomato soup. It is important to level a […]
How to Level a Concrete Floor for Tile
If you plan on tiling your concrete floor, it is imperative the floor be perfectly flat first before you lay tiles on it, especially if you plan to lay large tiles. If the floor is not leveled, the tiles will lay at an angle, the sides won’t line up and you’ll have gaps between the […]
Choosing Grout
Choosing grout might seem simple, but choosing the right grout is not such an easy task. There are many things to consider before you make your choice like color, water resistance, and its potential to stain. Consider these factors before you choose your grout and your tile installation will look and perform better.
Selecting the Right Grout
Selecting the right grout is not as straight forward as you might think, and it is not simply a choice of color. Different types of grout are used for different types of installations. For instance, some tile installs require sanded grout, and others do not. You must know which type of grout is right for […]