Choosing grout might seem simple, but choosing the right grout is not such an easy task. There are many things to consider before you make your choice like color, water resistance, and its potential to stain. Consider these factors before you choose your grout and your tile installation will look and perform better.
Selecting the Right Grout
Selecting the right grout is not as straight forward as you might think, and it is not simply a choice of color. Different types of grout are used for different types of installations. For instance, some tile installs require sanded grout, and others do not. You must know which type of grout is right for […]
How to Grout Tile the Right Way
Grout is the key to any tile installation. Grout helps hold tiles in place, creates a water-tight barrier and also adds a cosmetic touch. Sometimes, grout can offset uneven tiles as well, especially if you are using tiles without straight edges. But in order for it to work properly, you need to learn how to […]