Concrete leveling compound mix in a five gallon bucket.
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Concrete Leveling Compound
This image is titled Concrete Leveling Compound and is attached to our article about Using Self Leveling Compound.
Be sure to read the guide for more context and great ideas about Concrete Leveling Compound, or take a look at some of our other DIY home remodeling and repair guides.
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- Photo resolution: 640 × 480
- Uploaded to: Using Self Leveling Compound
- Author: DiyHomeRepairAndRemodeling
- Image source
Using Self Leveling Compound:
Leveling compound is a mixture of cement designed to pour easily over a concrete floor to smooth out any uneven areas in that floor. The leveling compound is also called self-leveling cement or compound. All it is, is very wet mix cement with a consistency much like tomato soup. It is important to level a floor if you plan to... Read full guide »